Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 7: Give more than you planned to.

Do you remember the time when your feet where killing you but there was still a long way to walk home? ...the time when you were almost sleeping but there were still 40 pages to study for the exam? ...the day when you were sick but still had to wake up and to go to work? ...or maybe a winter day when you were afraid to try a new trick but you still did and landed it?

Those are just some simple examples of giving more than you planned to. The moments of accomplishing something that felt impossible. The times when a little effort brought you the success.

Breaking limits and stepping out of your comfort zone make you progress as a person and also brings you the success in career. No one has ever been successful without working hard for it, giving 120% instead of 100%. It's not always easy but if you want to achieve your goals in life, there's really no way around. All in or nothing.

However, it's always easy to find excuses for NOT doing something. People like safety and sitting in the comfort zone. Can't blame them. Safety feels good! But in the end most of those people just end up whining about their life instead of changing something. So stop looking for excuses and start finding reasons to do something. Every time you feel uncomfortable with some kind of idea, task or dream, it means you got to do it. No matter if you're afraid of it or simply don't want to do it - in the end you feel great once it's done. Push the boundaries.

...For sure this all what i wrote doesn't mean that we all have to become workaholics now. It's more like a motivational post to those people who kinda feel stuck with their lives or are just hanging around and want to push themselves more. If you're happy what you're doing at the moment, then why should you even change something?

Give more than you planned to.
Flavio Pfister
Flims. Laax. Zermatt
Winter 2013/14

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