With this topic it's also important to understand why are there those people who are trying to discourage you from pursuing your dreams?
I guess some are for sure jealous - they've failed or abandoned dreams and they don’t want to know that they’ve walked away from something that could’ve changed their lives. But more to the core, they don’t want you to succeed when they themselves have failed. Therefore, if it comes to the family members, I would translate it more as "protection" - protection you from making the same mistakes what your parents did in their early lives. You know, they put you into music school to learn to play the piano because they regret their past of quitting it?
Then there are people who just aren't well informed. Obviously you get the whole picture of your dream better than any other person so it's a lot of work to explain all the details to a person who just don't get it ...or don't want to get it. For example you're dreaming about having your own computer game company but your granny just can't get it because she has never played a computer game in her life. Hope you get what I mean! Just be picky with people you share your dreams in order to avoid negative emotions. Find the people who have similar views on the topic and I'm sure discussing your plans with those people help you to move forward instead of wasting time on unneeded conversations.
Severin Van Der Meer
Severin is really talented Swiss wakeboarder but also killing it on snow! Good skills and great style. He happened to be in Laax last autumn so we had a spontaneous lifestyle shooting at Caumasee. Did a bit different colour grading this time. Kinda like this look. Gives a retro feeling.
Ilusad pildid.